Privacy Policy
The Cherry Tree will protect personal information by following the Australian Privacy Principles which place strict requirements on us to treat any information you give us as confidential.
We collect personal information to provide the services you want (e.g. credit card information). There may also be times where this extends to personal data relating to a variety of issues such as your age. You have the right to decide what information you provide to us but you must be aware that the consequences of not disclosing essential information may result in us not being able to offer you access to services or facilities.
We will use your personal information only for the primary purpose for which it was collected unless we have your permission or unless lawfully demanded to provide it. We will otherwise take all reasonable precautions to safeguard it from unauthorised access or loss, and when no longer required we will destroy by secure means. We respect your right to deal with us anonymously and you may access personal information we hold about you and correct information if it is wrong.
If you have a concern about a breach of your privacy you should first contact us. If you are not satisfied with our response you can refer your complaint to the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner on 1300 363 992 or by email to: